I thought about my ways, and turned my feet to Your testimonies.
—Psalm 119:59 (NKJV)
Dear Cobham Park Church Family,
I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. But January’s lull provides an excellent opportunity for me to take stock of my life and ministry. While physical fitness may be important, I’ve been thinking more about other matters for 2024. I’ve asked myself questions like: “What should I add to—or drop from— my daily routine?” “Are there church needs that require more of my attention?” “How can I be a more faithful pastor?” “Where is the Lord leading our church family?”
First of all, I am increasingly convinced that the best thing I can do for this church is to better follow Jesus myself. As a host of pressing concerns demand my attention, it’s been all too easy to shift prayerful time with the Lord to the back burner. That’s like sawing off the limb I’m sitting on! In our church’s “Jesus journey,” I can only lead others as far as I have walked myself. The Lord’s words echo in my mind: “…you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary…(Luke 10:41-42, ESV).” Jesus is that one necessary thing. After Christmas, I therefore decided to be more intentional about this priority. I’ve started arriving at church a couple hours early. I leave the outside door locked and the hall light off as I go directly to my study for a “counseling appointment” with the Lord (He’s the one doing the counseling!). So, if you call the church before 9 a.m., don’t be surprised if I don’t immediately answer; I’m visiting with somebody and will get back with you soon.
Speaking of visiting, I also want to meet with you and your families more often. I’ve therefore set aside additional hours to call and visit folks on weekday afternoons. If you’d appreciate a personal visit, please feel free to contact me personally or call the church office. I also encourage you to join me in reaching out to others. In fact, I’m very thankful that many of you are already doing this! Caring for the ever-changing needs of hundreds of people demands a team effort. If you see someone at church that you don’t know, please try to talk to them. And if God lays someone on your heart, give them a call. We can only function as the body of Christ together.
Where do I see the Lord leading Cobham Park Baptist Church? I want deeper discipleship for you and me! Mere numbers (“nickels and noses”) and people-pleasing are not my highest goals—I want nothing less than Christ Himself! I’m determined to do everything I can to help you in your walk with Him, equip you for ministry, and to lead you by example. And you’re doing the same for me! The Lord has already been hard at work among us. Let’s roll up our sleeves and join Him!
In His Deep Love,
Pastor Keith
Dear Pastor Keith, John Shropshire was my older brother and only sibling. There are so many memories of John that I’m not sure where to begin. John had a quick wit about him. He would often sign cards or text messages, “Your Youngest Brother.” At age 15 while praying for John’s salvation, the Lord clearly spoke to me, “I will save John.” That assurance often encouraged Mother and me as we continued to pray for John and his family. It was many years later (after our parents death) that John came to my home, fell on his knees and accepted Christ. Despite John’s failures he came to understand that ALL have sinned and come short of God’s Glory. Christ never condemns us but is always waiting to receive us with welcome, loving arms as we come to him in repentance. I would consider John’s greatest legacy to Becky, his children, family and friends is that Jesus forgives and never stops loving us. His reunion with Mom and Dad this past Friday evening must have been wonderful as Christ welcomed him home. He would express his love to us, encourage us to keep the faith and for any who don’t have a personal relationship with Christ to receive him today. He will surely be missed until we meet again. Thank you for your ministry to John and Becky and his family. Health issues will prevent me from attending his home going service, but I will be praying for each of you. In Christ, Mary Anne Shropshire Weeks
Mary Anne, thank you so much for taking the time to send this to me! This is very helpful as I prepare for tomorrow’s service, and it brought to mind similar memories that John shared with me when we talked about his faith. He still cherished that day he came to Christ!
In Christ,
Pastor Keith